The logo for st mary 's church atherstone is a cross in a circle.

St Mary's Church PPC

the Parochial Church Council

Members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) are elected annually at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), usually held in the spring. The PCC comprises

11 members, including the Vicar and two Churchwardens, and currently there are vacancies for one Deanery Representative and one elected member. The PCC

meets quarterly in April, July, October and January and is supported by teams made up of PCC members and other interested parties, namely: the Ministry Leadership Team, the Pastoral & Missions Team, the Buildings Team and the Social & Events Team, all of whom meet as the need arises.

A church is surrounded by trees on a sunny day st mary's atherstone warwickshire

St Mary's PPC

PCC Members

Rev’d Michael Brandsma,

Keith Wise

Sharon Holland

Patricia Hathway

Patricia Shilton

Sharon Simkiss

Susan Stock

Suzanne Grimstead

Elizabeth Wainman

Yvonne Stone

Elizabeth Surplice

PCC Secretary

Joan Ball: 01827 714299

The inside of a church with rows of wooden benches st mary's atherstone warwickshire
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